
Nicaragua Organic Jinotega Finca La Isabelia

Cupping Notes: Winey acidity, floral aroma, creamy body, notes of chocolate and citrus.

Background: Nicaragua Organic Jinotega coffee from Finca La Isabelia Los Cipreces is produced by a produced by a family of multi-generation farmers located in the heart of the Jinotega Department, approximately 9 miles northeast of the department’s capital in the picturesque Cordillera Isabella mountains. Coffee is the #1 export in Nicaragua, and like most Latin American nations, coffee production has been central to its culture and economy since the mid-1800s when it was first introduced. As a whole, Jinotega produces the lion’s share (about 65%), where it’s tall mountains and oak and pine tree forests create excellent micro-climate growing conditions for arabica.

Producer: Finca La Isabelia Los Cipreces

Department: Jinotega

Variety: Bourbon, Caturra, Catuaí, Catimor

Processing: Washed & Sun Dried

Altitude: 4,200 ft (1300m)

Coffee Grading: Microlot

Classifications: Organic, Smithsonian Bird Certified

Harvest: January – April

Weight.75 lbs
Dimensions9 × 6 × 4 cm
Type of Roast


Type of Grind

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