
Panama Jaguar Boquete SHB

Cupping Notes: Medium body, golden bright acidity, with bits of tangerine, nuttiness and toffee on the finish.

Background: Since 1920 the Ruiz family has been growing and processing some of the finest coffee Panama has to offer. For three generations the Ruiz family has transformed what used to be a single-family farm into a specialty enterprise that also processes, packages and roasts. Today, the operation is managed by brother and sister, Plinio and Maria Ruiz, who like their parents and grandparents before them are dedicated to growing top-quality varietals, high up in the cool, natural shade canopy of the Boquete mountains.

Casa Ruiz utilizes both traditional growing methods and modern, eco-friendly techniques to be able to consistently provide a superior crop, while maintaining a healthy natural environment for future generations. Natural shade trees provide cover for the coffee plants as well as food and shelter for migratory and resident bird species, and mineral rich volcanic soil supports the needs of many different specialty varietals.

Producer: Maria and Plinio Ruiz

District: Boquete

Region: Chiriqui

Variety: Pacamara, Geisha, Catuai, Typica, Yellow Bourbon, Maragogype

Processing: Washed

Altitude: 4,900 – 5,400 ft (1500 – 1650m)

Coffee Grading: SHB

Harvest: December – March

Weight.75 lbs
Dimensions9 × 6 × 4 cm
Type of Roast


Type of Grind

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